First access to the logged in area
After activating your account with the link sent by email, you will be able to log in to the platform to access the private area of the portal.
First access to the logged in area
Your first experience with our logged-in area is worthy of a warm welcome message, which presents our value proposition and commitment to continually ensuring the best of a solution designed to enhance your business.
Another feature available at the top of the screen is the logout option, accessible from the menu in the top right corner.
and configure Keys
your way
To create and configure an application in Open Keys, based on what you want to use from this universe of possibilities, simply click on the card New Application card , in your Application Manager, and you will come across the page below, where you will need:start an intuitive flow, as described below.
1st step
Tip |
Give this application an identifying name |
Tip |
Indicate a Callback URL to receive and consult the consent given by your customers |
Tip |
Indication of which scope(s) you want to manage in Indicate a Redirect URL to which we will direct customers, in case of cancellation, in our environment, or scenarios of unexpected flow interruption, due to ecosystem instability. |
Tip |
Indicate which product you want to link to this application |
Tip |
Inclusion of a Logo that represents your company for contracted products |
2nd step
Notetip |
Only after filling Fill in all the fields will the application creation button be enabled. |
mTLS certification: a requirement of the Open Finance ecosystem
After creating your application, the Open Keys portal automatically carries out a mandatory certification in the Open Finance ecosystem: mTLS or Client Certificate. You can download this certificate from the Application Panel, Settings option.
the payment receipt data, if it is the ITP product. |
Tip |
Indication of the purpose of sharing, if it is the Data Consumption product. |
3rd step
Tip |
Creating a test user |
4th step
Tip |
Indicate your endpoint for receiving webhooks |
Once created, your application will be listed in the Application Management environment, which you already know. You can create as many applications as you want, based on the needs and size of your company, especially in scenarios where there is more than one brand linked to the group.
As you can see, your application has a name button called Panel, which, when clicked, opens a complete settings management panel for your application.
of the your product.
Info |
If you wish to delete an application that is in a testing environment, simply click on the trash can icon in the top corner of the application itself and confirm the request. |