Collection Open Keys - Payment Initiation Journey
View file | ||
POST Token
Info |
To start a journey, it is necessary to generate a token in which client_id and client_secret must be indicated , according to the model below. |
Panel | ||
| ||
Code Block |
curl --location 'https://onboard.smartkeys.8429y94d.engdevdev.fsapps.ioapp/api/portal/onboard/v1/token' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{ "client_id":"****7ec5-2567-4***-ace9-***", "client_secret": "****8136-***a-42ce-***" }' |
Code Block |
curl --location '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCIgOiAiSldUIiwia2lkIiA6ICJJUV96OE...' \ --data '{ "cpf": "401*****809", "name": "Fernando", "amount": "100.00", "paymentview": "deposit-confirmation", "paymenttype": "DICT" }' |
Mandatory fields to fill in the request:
CPF - mandatory field
Transaction amount - required field
Paymentview - required field
Paymenttype - required field
Specificity for Paymentview and Paymenttype fields
Paymentview PIX Instantâneo - deposit-confirmation
Paymentview PIX Agendado - deposit-deposit-scheduling
Paymenttype via DICT - presents the data registered in the Application Panel, option Configure Journeys, field Receipt data
Paymenttype via MANU - it is necessary to pass the “creditor” and “creditorAccount” blocks, as shown in the sketch below.
Code Block |
curl --location '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer ey*****J*****IsInR5c****CIgOiAiSldU*IiA6ICJ****JUV96OE...' \ --data '{ "cpf": "02981994166", "name": "Fernando", "amount": "0.15", "paymentview": "deposit-confirmation", "paymenttype": "MANU", "creditor": { "cpfCnpj": "167******005", "name": "HOMOLOGACAO PIX", "personType": "PESSOA_NATURAL" }, "creditorAccount": { "accountType": "CACC", "ispb": "92894922", "issuer": "0001", "number": "10173722" } }' |
Info |
Response: The field externalid will be presented as a new parameter in callback url registered in the application. |
Optional: Tags
When generating the payment initiation, it is possible to add an tags using the object bellow, it is required:
It is a string with the description of the pix that will be sent to the owner, maximum characters 140:
The field is included inside object “data” at the same level of brandID;
The field name is “description".
Code Block |
"description": "Pix Description" |
Optional: Tags
When generating the payment initiation, it is possible to add an tags using the object bellow, it is required:
The array maximum size to be up to 5 itens
The field is included inside object “data” at the same level of brandID;
The name of the tags must not be longer than 36 characters (to maintain the limitation on the number of characters)
limitar os tipos de caracteres para Alfanuméricos e caracteres não reservados:
`-`, `_`, `.`, `~`
Optional: Preferred Banks
It is an array up to 8 itens from the brand-id 8 itens from the brand-id list.
The order of the array is the same order that appears in the whitelabel
Code Block |
"preferredbanks": [ "b09ede32-83db-4019-8ca3-a9a6f9376d0b"] |
Optional: Pre-selected banks
It is a string with one brand from the brand-id listbrand from the brand-id list.
In case there is a preselected bank, the user goes directly to the final page for payment confirmation (before the redirect).
*Important to notice: the user will still be able to change the bank due to regulatory reasons.
Code Block |
"preselectedbank": "b09ede32-83db-4019-8ca3-a9a6f9376d0b" |
Note |
Note: if the call is made in a partial request, in the AJAX model, you must capture the POST return to redirect the client, via a window. |
How to start the digital journey, using the Data Sharing white label
Once you managed to generate the Token, according to the step by step of the previous step, just make a POST that will return the white label journey link
Code Block |
curl --location '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer e****GciOiJ*******nR5cCIgOiAiSldUIiw*****A6ICJJUV96OE...' \ --data '{ "cpf":"01*****8010", "cnpj": "", "name":"fernando" }' |
Mandatory fields to fill in the request:
CPF - mandatory field, in all contexts
CNPJ - required field for a data sharing context for legal entities
Note |
ATTENTION: if the call is made in a partial request, in the AJAX model, you must capture the POST return to redirect the client, via window. |
Known bugs:
400 - Failed to validate mandatory fields;
401 - Invalid Authentication Token
Alternative journey to start Payment Initiation white label
When starting the journey through the white label, by default, the user is directed to the bank selection screen. As part of this process, it is necessary to send the customer's CPF by parameters in the call to generate the white label link, but in cases where the application that starts the process does not yet have the customer's CPF, there is the possibility of showing the CPF field on this bank selection screen, as well as showing a list of preferred banks on this screen. For these cases, you can use the call below.
Code Block |
curl --location '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJh******iOiJSUzI**********iAiSldUIiwia2lkIi*****CJJUV96OE...' \ --data '{ "amount": "100.00", "paymentview": "deposit-confirmation-simple", "paymenttype": "MANU", "preferredbanks": ["b0e14b00-9686-4764-bdac-5fe415b1dc1a", "c8f0bf49-4744-4933-8960-7add6e590841", "95dd24d2-902e-49e1-ad0d-e02d938447ba"], "creditor": { "cpfCnpj": "16*****005", "name": "HOMOLOGACAO PIX", "personType": "PESSOA_NATURAL" }, "creditorAccount": { "accountType": "CACC", "ispb": "92894922", "issuer": "0001", "number": "10173722" } }' |
Code Block |
{ "url": "" } |
Callback Page (Return of the White Label Payment Initiation flow)
After executing the consent flow and payment approval, the user is directed to the callback page registered at the time of onboarding, this page can check the approved payment status and show a thank you/failure message.
How to check the approved payment status update
Changing the status of the initiated payment can be done in 2 ways, registering a Webhook in the application or consulting the status of this consent via API (Polling)
Code Block |
curl --location '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbG******OiJSUzI1N****iIsIn*****R5cCIgOiAiSldUIiwia2lkIiA6ICJJUV96OE...' \ --data '{ "endpoint": "", "isAuthenticated": true, "user": "", "password": "" }' |
Code Block |
curl --location '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCIgOiAiSldUIiwia2lkIiA6ICJJUV96OE...' \ |
Code Block |
curl --location '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGci******NiIsInR5cC*****IgOiAiSldU******Iiwia2lkIiA6ICJJUV96OE...' \ |