I hired the white label journey. How should I pass the parameters?
Once an application is created, a Token is generated. Follow the steps below to start the journey in the right way.
To access your Client ID and Client Secret, you must open the Settings option, within your Application Panel;
Just copy the parameters and copy them into the Token API to generate the necessary call.
How to start the digital journey, using the ITP white label
Once you managed to generate the Token, according to the step by step of the previous step, just make a POST that will return the white label journey link
Request for starting the Digital Journey - using DICT
curl --location 'https://onboard.smartkeys.celcoin.dev.fsapps.io/api/portal/onboard/v1/payment' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{ "cpf": "40193135809", "name": "Fernando", "amount": "100.00", "paymentview": "deposit-confirmation", "paymenttype": "DICT" }'
Mandatory fields to fill in the request:
CPF - Required field
Valor da transação - Required field
Paymentview - Required field
Paymenttype - Required field
Specificity for Paymentview and Paymenttype fields
Paymentview Alternative Journey to User insert the CPF inside the Open Keys Whitelabel - deposit-confirmation-simple
Paymentview PIX Instantâneo - deposit-confirmation
Paymentview PIX Agendado - deposit-deposit-scheduling
Paymenttype by DICT -presents the data registered in the Application Panel, option Configure Journeys, field Receipt data
Paymenttype by MANU - it is necessary to pass the blocks “creditor” and “creditorAccount, as shown in the sketch below.
Example of Request with MANU
curl --location 'https://onboard.smartkeys.celcoin.dev.fsapps.io/api/portal/onboard/v1/payment' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{ "cpf": "02981994166", "name": "Fernando", "amount": "0.15", "paymentview": "deposit-confirmation", "paymenttype": "MANU", "creditor": { "cpfCnpj": "16781564005", "name": "HOMOLOGACAO PIX", "personType": "PESSOA_NATURAL" }, "creditorAccount": { "accountType": "CACC", "ispb": "92894922", "issuer": "0001", "number": "10173722" } }'
Call Response
{ "url": "https://smartkeys-wl.celcoin.dev.fsapps.io/select-institution?id=yL79m4Kzc7DI0WfL-QK..." }
Note: if the call is made in a partial request, in the AJAX model, you must capture the POST return to redirect the client, via a window.
After redirect to this page, the client executes the consent creation/approval flow and at the end he is redirected to the Redirect URL (Callback page) registered into admin portal.
The redirect URI page will receive the following query string parameters:
To confirm that the payment was processed successfully (and the payment status) you may check the payment status through the Webhook on Payment Initiation or using the Pooling API
For example, the state parameter brings the consent ID, so you may use the Get Pix by ConsentId API, like below:
curl --location 'https://api-smartkeys.celcoin.dev.fsapps.io/api/smart-keys/payment-consumer/v1/pix/consents/HVLeXYgP6…' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <PUT_HERE_THE_ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
The response is something like below:
{ "data": { "paymentId": "9be63638-3ef9-4427...", "endToEndId": "E139358932023091...", "consentId": "urn:celcoin:1e308e7f-b705-...", "creationDateTime": "2023-09-12T19:11:38Z", "statusUpdateDateTime": "2023-09-12T19:11:42Z", "proxy": "55155...", "status": "ACSC", "localInstrument": "DICT", "cnpjInitiator": "1393589...", "payment": { "amount": "1.15", "currency": "BRL" }, "remittanceInformation": "Pagamento Pix", "creditorAccount": { "accountType": "CACC", "ispb": "9289...", "issuer": "0...", "number": "101..." }, "debtorAccount": { "ispb": "12345678", "issuer": "1774", "number": "1234567890", "accountType": "CACC" } }, "links": { "self": "https://api.opb.celcoin.dev.fsapps.io/open-banking/payments/v2/pix/payments/9be63638-3ef9-..." }, "meta": { "requestDateTime": "2023-09-12T19:11:56Z" } }
The Journey ID
The journey ID is the unique identifier for the whitelabel flow, that links the beginning of the journey with the consent and payment createds, since at the beginning of this flow the consent still does not exist. It is the code yL79m4Kzc7DI0WfL-QK...
from our example above (response from payment creation response).