Webhook on Payment Initiation
Registering a WebHook to receive consent event updates
To stay current on any event in the consent lifecycle, you must register a webhook API to receive the update information.
The webhook endpoint must be in the POST method , under https. The domain and URI can be in whatever format you have on your platform, for the examples below we will consider the POST endpoint exampleGive yourself a better website ยป MY DOMAIN
After implementing this API on your platform, you need to register it to receive notifications via our webhook registration API.
But to access this API, you need to perform a previous step, which is to authenticate using your application's credentials. We will describe the step by step in this topic.
Access Token Request (using My First App credentials)
curl --location --request POST 'https://onboard.smartkeys.8429y94d.dev.fsapps.app/api/portal/onboard/v1/token' \ --header 'Content- Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "client_id":"64b51075-45bf-46cc-aed4-29b69b51816d", "client_secret": "9257b897-01ca- 4ebd-9fd4-************"}'
Access Token Response
"access_token": "**********NiIsInR5cCIgOi********lkIiA6ICJSY0hYOGx********V9JQUFEUm1pSzV5SWlnW "expires_in": 3600,
"refresh_expires_in": 0, "token_type": "Bearer", "not-before-policy": 0, "scope": "email profile"
Now you need to get the contents of the "access_token" parameter and include it as an Authentication Bearer header for all future API calls.
Once the access_token is generated, let's register your webhook using the request below.
Request Webhook - API Deprecated
curl --location 'https://onboard.smartkeys.8429y94d.dev.fsapps.app/api/smart-keys/interceptors' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{your_generated_access_token_here}}' \
--data '{
"endpoint": "https://www.my-domain.com/webhook",
"isAuthenticated": false,
"authenticationType": "",
"user": "",
"password": "",
"type": "PAYMENT"
This API does not support isAuthenticated with a value of โtrueโ.
HTTP Status Code | ย |
201 | Webhook succesfully registered. |
400 | Bad Request - error at request field validations. |
401 | The used token is not allowed to access the resource. |
Event | Details |
before : consent : create | We received a request for a consent build. |
after : consent : create | All consent fields have been validated, it is following all necessary standards and has been created. |
consent : approved | Consent has been approved by the user. |
consent : rejected | Consent was rejected by the user. |
consent : consumed | The consent was consumed by the Financial Institution. |
consent : polling | Survey to verify the payment situation at the Financial Institution. |
consent : finish | The money was transferred successfully or there was an error reported by one of the Financial Institutions involved in the transaction. More information is provided within the data field. |
consent : expired | The consent has expired. Was not approved or rejected after 5 minutes of creation OR after approval/rejection was not consumed within 70 minutes. |
consent : revoke | User revoked consent (usually after approval) |
To test the WebHook process, it can also be configured in the Endpoint Management section of the development portal. We will use the WebHook Site (Webhook.site - Test, transform and automate Web requests and emails ) to simulate the process. The site will generate a WebHook URL as shown below.
Copy the generated WebHook URL and register in the Application Settings under the "Endpoint Management" section. You must insert it as a POST method and you will receive a Json in the body.