Terminating a data share

Terminating a data share

In this scenario, if desired, the user can close an active data share. From share management, available in the Open Finance menu, the user will have access to them and check the status of each one, divided between:

  • Active

  • Pending

  • Overdue

  • Closed

To close a share, its status must be active . Next, follow the step-by-step guide to closing a data share.


Step 1

  • To manage their consent, the user must access the Open Finance menu in the Financial Institution's application.

  • Then, you must access the “My shares” menu to proceed.

Step 2

  • In this area, the user will be able to view the status of each share they received from the institutions:

    • Active

    • Pending

    • Overdue

    • Closed

  • If you want to return to the previous menu, the user must click on “Back”, available at the top of the screen.

  • To view the details of each consent, the user must click on the desired item in the list.

  • To end a share, the user must choose consent with the “Active” status to proceed.

Step 3

  • In this area of ​​the selected consent, the user will see all the details regarding the sharing made with this Institution.

  • Consent with active status provides the user with three options: change, renew or end this sharing.

  • To end this sharing, the user must proceed through the “End” button.

Step 4

  • When choosing to end sharing, the user will be alerted by a modal before continuing.

  • If you want to cancel, the window will close and nothing will be changed.

  • If you want to continue with the closure, the user must proceed with the “I understand” option.

Step 5

  • When continuing, the user will see a statement with a summary of the terminated data sharing.

  • The user must click “Continue” to proceed.


Step 6

  • When clicking on “Continue”, the user will be redirected to the screen where they will see a summary of the last shares made.

  • To return to the home menu, the user must click on “Back”, available at the top of the screen.


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