Instant PIX - White label
Instant PIX payment method
When guiding your customer to the moment of closing the purchase, it will be necessary to inform them between the PIX Via Open Finance payment methods , among the other conventional options in your sales channel. The format in which the journey will be called is up to the strategy that your company defines, and you can use, for example, a QR Code or a link to activate the journey, via a button.
Smart payments initiation journey slim flow
In the most optimized scenario of the Smart journey, when we receive the parameters indicating the value of the transaction , CPF/CNPJ of the paying customer and the indication of payment as Instant PIX , the user will only need:
Inform which institution you wish to make the payment with;
Confirm the operation
After confirmation, the redirection will be automatic to the Account Holding Institution's environment, where the customer goes through the Authentication and Payment Confirmation steps.
Authentication and payment confirmation steps
The Authentication format is defined by the Account Holding Institution itself, respecting its security models, such as login and password, biometric recognition or facial recognition.
The same occurs with the Operation Confirmation format , which follows the standards established by the chosen Financial Institution, in alignment with the requirements of steps and actions defined by the Open Finance ecosystem.
Redirection and implementation of the journey
After this confirmation, the customer is redirected again to the Open Keys contracting company environment and begins the checkout process. In this process, Finansystech by Celcoin processes the operation information and a Callback is passed to the contracting company, responsible for presenting the Journey Completion screen, with the payment statement.
Remembering that payment via open finance today reduces your fees and increases your autonomy in banking transaction processes. Be Open!